
We have a comprehensive theoretical and practical know-how in the area of thermal-metallurgical plants. This know-how will be provided to our customers by offering varied services.

The spectrum ranges from typical engineering services like thermotechnical calculations and plant dimensioning, measurements and plant examinations, up to planning and execution of plant modernizations.

When performing temperature measurements for determination of the thermal behavior of furnace plants we use our experiences resulting from more than 90 successful temperature measurement tests at various furnace types and heating stocks. 

Plant operators and plant manufacturers rely on our expertise and objectivity when implementing performance tests at thermal-metallurgical plants after modernization measures or installation of a new furnace. 

As a neutral party we will also perform measurements for certification of furnaces. 

Besides trainings on our systems we also provide customer-specific trainings regarding thermotechnical problems.


Link: pdf-Dokument Flyer Services